With ParkXL you can turn any size lot into a Self-Managing commercial parking lot. It doesn’t matter if you have 3 spaces or 500 spaces……each space is managed with ParkXL separately.ParkXL functions as RESERVED PARKING, with ALL the Benefits of RESERVED PARKING. A ParkXL sign or Banner should be Clearly posted so that all know that they Must download the ParkXL app and pay Prior to entering your lot. With ParkXL, the customer books the parking spot from their home, business, or any location, and then drives to their RESERVED space. There will be NO MORE driving around your parking lot looking for an empty space to park. Everybody that enters your lot has RESERVED a space and has Paid for that Space prior to entering the lot. This is GREAT for both the Lot Owner and the individual looking for a parking space.
Keep in mind that VERY FEW people will park in a RESERVED parking space knowing that they can be Towed at Their Expense. On occasion, someone may park in one our your spaces without pre-paying for that space on ParkXL If this happens, the individual that HAS PAID and drives to their RESERVED space can easily request a Refund from the Lot Owner, by selecting the “SOMEONE IS IN MY SPOT” option on ParkXL. They then, take a photo of the car that is in their PAID spot and forward that photo to the Lot Owner. The Lot Owner then will send a Refund to the Customer that has paid, and take any action that they choose to remove the vehicle that is illegally parked in that space. The Lot Owner Agrees to send this Refund when they sign up to list a space on ParkXL. This is a self-policing parking system.